14% wider and 30% brighter...our moon tomorrow night

Friday night's full Moon is the biggest and brightest full Moon of the year. It's a "perigee Moon," as much as 14% wider and 30% brighter than other full Moons you'll see later in 2010. But that's not all. Mars is having a close encounter with Earth, and on Friday night, Jan. 29th, it will join the Moon for an all-night-long conjunction. Don't miss it! Sky maps and images may be found at .
Hunter's Moon Will Diminish Most Of The Orionid Meteor Shower
"Hunter’s Moon to wash out 2013 Orionid meteor shower" Earth & Sky The October full moon – the Northern Hemisphere’s Hunter’s Moon – is (or was if you’re reading this later) on the night of October 18-19, 2013. In a bit of misfortune...
"Does a supermoon have a super effect on us?" by Larry Sessions June 17th, 2013 EarthSky The term supermoon denotes a full moon that occurs at roughly the same time the moon is nearest Earth in its monthly orbit. The next one is coming up on the night...
Perseid Meteor Shower Of 2011...last Notice
"Meteor Shower 2011: How to See the Perseids"
Ned Potter
August 12th, 2011
ABC News
The Perseid meteor shower of 2011 peaks in the early hours of Saturday morning, U.S. time. It's not hard to watch, and it can be quiet fun, but...
An interesting Moon phenomena. Wikipedia... A moon dog or moondog [scientific name paraselene, plural paraselenae, i.e. "beside the moon"] is a relatively rare bright circular spot on a lunar halo caused by the refraction of moonlight by hexagonal-plate-shaped...
You Are Warned...again
"The Mutating Mars Hoax" August 25th, 2010 NASA For the seventh year in a row, the Mars Hoax is infecting email boxes around the world. Passed from one reader to another, the message states that on August 27th Mars will approach Earth and swell to...