We've Got A Cover!

A little book-whoring here.
I've got a book coming out soon from Cambridge University Press that I edited and translated with my good friend Anke Walz, entitled
Defending Einstein: Hans Reichenbach's Early Writings on space, Time, and Motion. They've just put up the cover.
One small quibble, the cover photo is of Albert Einstein. The book is the writings of Hans Reichenbach. Details, details.
What Do You Think? Cover For Einstein's Jewish Sceince
My next book, Einstein's Jewish Science: Physics at the Intersection of Politics and Religion, is due out in April and my publisher, Johns Hopkins University Press, has sent me a work up of a cover. Not sure what I think about it and have gotten a...
Einstein And The Logical Left
Albert Einstein had a problem. He had been working for almost five years to figure out a way to work gravitation into his theory of relativity and he thought he had it. But then there were the holes. He knew he needed a set of field equations and he thought...
Einstein Quotes
Well, this is supposed to be the "ultimate" Einstein quotes edited by Alice Calaprice who is "...a renowned expert on Albert Einstein and was a longtime senior editor at Princeton University Press. She has worked with the Collected Papers of Albert Einstein...
Volume #13 Of 30...huge Project On Albert Einstein
"Caltech and Princeton University Press Release Thirteenth Volume of Einstein Papers" September 26th, 2012 by Kimm Fesenmaier In the fall of 1922, when Albert Einstein's Nobel Prize in Physics was announced, the already-famous physicist was on a...
Family life in a nutshell. Einstein had two wives and three children and one step child. His fist wife was Mileva Marie and she bore him a daughter Lieserf out of wedlock around 1902. The daughter was put up for adoption and all traces of her has disappeared....