Weiner Gives "Half-Time Report" in Debate over Healthcare Repeal

Weiner Gives "Half-Time Report" in Debate over Healthcare Repeal

Yes, I may be on a bit of a ranting spree, but I'd rather end the week on a positive note instead of one that just makes me more upset than I already am. Hopefully you feel the same way.

So, what we have now is Congressman Anthony Weiner adeptly summarizing the nature of the shady strategies used by Republicans trying to repeal the notion that American citizens should have access to health coverage. Sure, it may be fun to mock the Republicans, but what Weiner's powerful speech does is focus the debate back to the real issues instead of all the distractions and scare tactics. This is one dude who's not fooled by the conservative prestidigitation.

What I still don't get is how people let themselves be fooled against their own interests so easily...

- Irony Can Be So Ironic: Affordable Care Objections
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- On Voltaire And Dick Armey
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- Melinda Gates - Let's Put Birth Control Back On The Agenda
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