Melinda Gates - Let's Put Birth Control Back on the Agenda

Melinda Gates - Let's Put Birth Control Back on the Agenda

I'm really busy at the moment (grading finals and term papers), and don't have time to get into a long introduction to the fantastic TEDTalk presentation below, but suffice it to say that in a time in which the politicization of women's issues (whether they should have the right to choose or to have or not have access to medical healthcare) has clouded the real question concerning women's health and choice, Melinda Gates adeptly navigates right past the confusion and the distractions, to the questions that really matter...

- So What Are These Ethical Issues Around Gay Marriage?
With North Carolina's enshrinement of bigotry into their state constitution and Obama's evolution to accepting the need for gay men and lesbians to receive fair and equal treatment under the law, there has been lots of talk about the ethical dilemma...

- Indexical Obsolescence?
Tightening up the index for Einstein's Jewish Science.  Last item before it goes to the printers.  It will be released in mid-April in both hardback and e-book formats.  If we are moving towards an all e-book world in the next decade...

- Mental Health Parity And Identity
One of most celebrated questions in philosophy is the mind/body problem, that is, are the mind and the brain the same thing or different things. If they are different, how, if at all, are they interconnected? Let's take an oblique approach to this...

- Ed Yong - Suicidal Wasps, Zombie Roaches & Other Parasite Tales
By its very nature, philosophy is an iconoclastic discipline, dedicated to questioning and dissecting the basic assumptions we use to make sense of our experience, in order to get a better understanding of reality and of the human condition. It was the...

- Weiner Gives "half-time Report" In Debate Over Healthcare Repeal
Yes, I may be on a bit of a ranting spree, but I'd rather end the week on a positive note instead of one that just makes me more upset than I already am. Hopefully you feel the same way. So, what we have now is Congressman Anthony Weiner adeptly summarizing...

