Unanswered Questions

Unanswered Questions

My Fellow Comedists,

This weekend, let's ask questions we don't want answered.

If someone who speaks with the dead is a medium, is a midget who communicates with the deceased an extra small?

If someone wins an award as dental hygienist of the year, do they get their plaque removed?

If "tomb" is pronounced "toom" wouldn't "bomb" be more appropriately pronounced "boom"?

What are questions you don't want answred?

Live, love, and laugh,

Irreverend Steve

- Do We Pass The Funny Down To Our Kids?
My Fellow Comedists, Some speculative comedist sociology this weekend. Are you more likely to be funny if you come from a funny family? Is the funny something biological that some folks have and others don't? Is it something we get from our environment?...

- Funny Funnies
My Fellow Comedists, This weekend the Reubens are announced. Named for Rube Goldberg, the Reubens are the awards of the National Cartoonists Society. Awards are given in thirteen categories from feature length animation to greeting cards. You can see...

- Passing The Plate: Wedding Edition
My Fellow Comedists, It's time to solicit donations again. Other churches ask for money, but Comedists tithe jokes. We had the royal wedding this week, but this weekend, one of our own -- Jeff Maynes -- is tying the knot. So in his honor, let's...

- Happy Festivus
My Fellow Comedists, It is once again time to bring out the aluminum pole and celebrate another Festivus for the rest of us. A happy Festivus season to all! As usual, please use the comments for the airing of grievances. Live, love, and laugh, Irreverend...

- The Feast Of Saint Gary
My Fellow Comedists, This weekend is the feast of Saint Gary. Gary Larson turns 60. Creator of The Far Side, the most consistently clever comic strip ever. A couple classics: Your favorite? Live, love, and laugh, Irreverend Steve...

