Too Late to Apologize - A Declaration

If the latest additions to the Star Spangled Banner weren't enough for your patriotic thirst, here is a modern version of the Declaration of Independence as you've never heard it, with Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin rocking the violin and the electric guitar respectively :)
I can just imagine King George's face if he were to receive the declaration in song form :)
Independence And Multiethnicity
Kosovo's declaration of independence today raises a question. On the one hand, the idea of a group receiving the right to self-govern seems to be intrinsically good. Autonomy and self-determination are an important part of a full recognition of humanity....
The Meaning Of The Declaration Of Independence
Last week in America we got to celebrate the 4th of July. To many people, this is a nice excuse to have a day off, spend it with family or friends, eat some hot dogs, drink some beer and watch some awesome fireworks. Nothing wrong with that. It is important...
John Adams - Declaration Of Independence
As I've argued before, the Founding Fathers were not this monolithic and unified myth of unanimous agreement we often fantasize or 'remember'. A lot of what they managed to accomplish (even the approval of the Declaration of Independence)...
The Founding Fathers Rap
I don?t know whether you enjoyed celebrating our day of independence this past weekend to the sound of Thomas Jefferson on vocals and violin while Benjamin Franklin rocked out the electric guitar, but if that poppish sound doesn?t quite do it for you...
Thomas Jefferson's "faux Pas"
"Hyperspectral Analysis Reveals Foundation of American Philosophy" by Darleen Hartley July 12th, 2010 BRIGHT SIDE OF NEWS LED-based analysis is shining a light beneath the final layer of ink on a revered United States document. It revealed how Thomas...