Thomas Jefferson Pwns Sarah Palin

I don't get how people can just willfully make up their own facts, believe their own inventions, and subsequently completely forget/ignore the fact that they fabricated the whole thing, but that's probably why I'm not a preacher or a politician...
It seems Sarah Palin wants America to revert back to its founding constitutional principles, and so I find myself in the very unfamiliar position of actually agreeing with her. The catch, of course, is that this "real American" gilf doesn't realize that the principles upon which our experiment in democracy and individual liberty is based were intentionally secular.
So here is a (very short) list of some of the things that some of the most prominent Founding Fathers had to say on the issue:
And let's not even get started on what Thomas Paine thought of the Christian religion...
I Never Wanted To Be Vice President...i Wanted To Be A Lumberjack
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, With John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate, I won't even pretend to fight the temptation. A VP who wants Creationism taught in the classroom, a candidate for an office...
A Christian Nation?
A great number of Americans believe that the U.S. is a Christian nation. Can this claim be justified? Well, if what one means by that claim is that the majority of Americans are Christians, that's most likely an empirical fact: most Americans really...
I Want To Be Sarah Palin?
One of the things I despise about politics is the hypocrisy and the double standards: it's okay for our group to do something, but if those from the other side of the isle do the same thing, then that very same thing is evil; or conversely, it's...
Bill Maher - New Rule: Tea Baggers & Founding Fathers
I always become suspicious when someone, conservative or liberal, tries to make a point by appealing back to the Founding Fathers. Part of it just has to do with consistency: since they were fallible humans, they were right about some things and wrong...
Sarah Palin's Blood Libel
If you were Sarah Palin, and you were confronted with the fact that the one-sided, delusional, bigoted and inflammatory rhetoric of your speeches (as well as your overt political tactics) may have influenced a deranged lunatic to go on a shooting spree...