[I am currently attending in London a very interesting series of 5 talks/seminars presented by the Prometheus Trust. A sample of the notes to the second talk is below with a link to the full notes on the Trust?s website for those that like the flavour of my ?taster??]
?It is difficult to become good, for the Gods have placed sweat before virtue. But he who has arrived at the summit will find that to be easy, which it was difficult to acquire.? (Hesiod)
'..... The purpose of the Prometheus Trust is summed up in one line, and that is, ?To encourage, promote and assist the flowering of philosophy as the living love of wisdom.? Hence, it does not seek to develop Platonists, or Aristotelians, Christians, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, Islamists or any other ist or ism or sect of specific doctrine. For philosophy itself has no sects; it is simply the love and admiration of all that is real and good......
Adepts of the Platonic tradition have often said that man is a microcosm of the macrocosm, and that all such things subsist in him partially, as the world or the universe contains divinely and totally. Yet so many of us may lead our lives as if the converse is the true state of things, that is, that the universe is a macrocosm of the microcosm ? leading to the most arrogant of assumptions
For the way of philosophy is the way of the hero and of the heroine, and demands of each one who longs for permanent and good empowerment that he or she becomes wise, becomes brave, becomes just, and temperate, faithful and pious and willing of only good ? and those that are wise in their turn will assist in providing every opportunity for us to become so, giving us ample and varied times in which to develop and test our fortitude and courage, our temperance, our justice, our faith and our wisdom, through curmstances that require them, throughout as many lives as it takes; until the soul shines out from herself, like some vital golden orb, impervious to any and every impurity and attack, a self-shining light and good according to every virtue???'
The Philosopher in the Soul - Prometheus Trust
The Greeks of antiquity were remarkable not only for being the first great thinkers, but also for the depth of their thinking. In the cruel world of antiquity where living itself was a struggle, they contemplated the unity of man and his relationship...
In the early spring of 2013 I had the pleasure to attend three ?Socratic? lectures in London given by Tim Addey and Guy Wyndham-Jones of the Prometheus Educational Trust. I posted brief details at the time for anyone who might want to go along; but now...
'The Philosopher Amongst the Stars' [I am currently attending in London a very interesting series of 5 talks/seminars presented by the Prometheus Trust. A sample of the notes to the third talk is below with a link to the full notes on the...
Socrates and Plato ? Bite Size Chunks ? No. 4 (Posted by James Head - Autumn 2011) Someone recently asked the following question on a Face book Group:'I have been itching to really read the dialogues of Plato. And I finished ?Alcibiades I? last night;...
How did Socrates die? Do you think his death was justified? Explain your answer Socrate's road to death started when the Oracle at Delphi stated no one was wiser than Socrates. Socrates felt the oracle was wrong and just a paradox. He questioned...