The More Things Change...
When Borders went out of business a few months back, we thought about bookstores, record stores, and recognizable other parts of modern life that would be going away in the course of things. But last night, sitting in a field with hundreds of other families watching fireworks, it became clear that there are certain experiences that computer graphics and virtual reality could never recreate. There are some things that require good old fashion being there in real life. A hundred years from now a good fireworks display will still get the oohs and ahhs. What else will stand the test of time? Like fresh squeezed lemonade, what cannot be technologically replaced or simulated?
8-tracks Of The Future
The shorter of the short people wants desperately to make a call from a phone booth. He's seen them in old movies and really wants to try one, as if it is some exotic phenomenon. Payphones are simply pointless when everyone has a cellphone. I drive...
Dying Malls
Heard a story on NPR that retailers are optimistic about the resurgence of malls. Not sure if I share the feeling. Several of the malls around me are eerily empty, both of shoppers and stores. Malls that had been central locations in the community are...
Borders Liquidation Sale...not Quite True
I have seen this before...the furniture store that is quitting business and six months later open a new store two blocks away. I also recall a mom and pop photo store that was going out of business and would spend long hours at night marking everything...
The "letter Of The Law" Vs The "spirit Of The Law"
This happens all too often where laws of reasonable intent conflict with tradition. For many years my State Fair was a joy to attend: Events, games, sampling of homemade farm goodies. Not now. The state has intervened and stopped virtually all homemade...
Virtual Reality--educational Tool?
It's here to stay and far reaching possibilities already realized and for the future too: "Virtual Reality" technology. It's entertainment and a wonderful educational tool. I can't respond to the entertainment side for I don't get involved...