Dying Malls

Dying Malls

Heard a story on NPR that retailers are optimistic about the resurgence of malls. Not sure if I share the feeling. Several of the malls around me are eerily empty, both of shoppers and stores. Malls that had been central locations in the community are now barely on life support. In the 70s and 80s, malls replaced the old department stores and discount stores like Woolworth's. but now, the next generation of department stores and discount stores, combined with on-line malls like Amazon and eBay, have struck back. Is the pendulum going to swing back? Will malls see a resurgence with the economic recovery or are their days as social gathering spaces and retail outlets done? Have big boxes and point-and-click finished them off for good? Are malls terminal?

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- Radio Shack Near Death
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