The Effectiveness of Book Cover Blurbs

The Effectiveness of Book Cover Blurbs

TheWife last night said that if she picks up a book and sees a positive blurb from someone whose books she likes, she is, in fact, more likely to buy the book. I, on the other hand, have never read a jacket blurb before making the purchase. How much do you find book blurbs to be effective, helpful, relevant?

- Movie Better Than The Book?
At dinner last night, the less short of the short people claimed that while the Percy Jackson movie was significantly worse than the book, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs was, in fact, better. The explanation, I hold, is that one is a children's...

- E-books?
Amazon has announced that its sales of e-books has surpassed its sales of hard cover books. The idea is to settle (in their interest) whether the e-book is for real or just the latest new Coke. I'm not a luddite, but I am a late adopter. I'm not...

- We've Got A Cover!
A little book-whoring here. I've got a book coming out soon from Cambridge University Press that I edited and translated with my good friend Anke Walz, entitled Defending Einstein: Hans Reichenbach's Early Writings on space, Time, and Motion....

- Printed Books Aren't Dead
"Authors stand up for traditional books over e-books" Just a few years after the launch of the Kindle, old fashioned books are making a comeback as authors promote the joy of bookshelves and well thumbed pages over the e-book. by Louise Gray July 21st,...

- Camille Flammarion/flammarion Woodcut
Yesterday marked the birthdate of Camille Flammarion [French astronomer]. Okay, who is Camille Flammarion? Flammarion published his first book in 1862, La pluralité des mondes habités [The Plurality of Inhabited Worlds] and he went on to become the...

