Thank You!

Dear readers: While taking a break from this blog, and as I've been trying to figure out how to deal with some recent personal problems, I've received many words of support and encouragement from good friends, former students and regular readers of this blog, including many I've never met.
So, I wanted to say thanks to all of you for your support. It really means a lot to me that there are people out there who care. Who needs invisible gods when there is real flesh and blood to create communities of warm support? :)
As I continue to struggle through these difficult times, I will start to blog again, but I do expect my entries to be sporadic, intermittent and random for a while. And in all likelihood, I imagine that I may also use some of them to vent some anger and frustration, so please bear with me.
And again, thank you!
The Playground Is Closed
This is my 2,000th and final post at the Philosophers' Playground. It's been six and a half years of almost daily entertainment posing questions and provocative theses for you folks to bat around. It was during a sabbatical when my...
Meme: Passion Quilt
I generally avoid blog memes, but Janet tagged me with an interesting one -- and it's the end of finals week... The challenge is: Post a picture or make/take/create your own that captures what YOU are most passionate for students to learn about. Give...
Hello, illustrious readers, So sorry for not posting for a few days. I've been lying in wait for the computer, hoping that my philosopher would take a break from the paper-writing and student-grade-preparing. He is taking a break now, so I'm going...
We May Need A Break, But You Can Still Follow Us
As you probably know already, I consider this blog as purely a project of love and civic duty. It's my way of contributing a little bit to the world by sharing interesting, and hopefully thought-provoking, things I come across. I make no money from...
The Unluckiest (and Cutest) Man In The World
Hey dear readers, I won't be around for a couple of days, so there may be no entries until next week. In the meantime, though, you've got to get a load of this: Imagine that your name is Tsutomu Yamaguchi: you live in, let's say Japan around...