Meme: Passion Quilt
I generally avoid blog memes, but Janet tagged me with an interesting one -- and it's the end of finals week...
The challenge is:
Post a picture or make/take/create your own that captures what YOU are most passionate for students to learn about.
Give your picture a short title.
Title your blog post "Meme: Passion Quilt."
Link back to this blog entry.
So here's my captioned image:

It's all connected.
The part I despise about these darn things is tagging others -- just what I want to do to other faculty folk, assign
THEM work during grading season. Apologies to the following:
Hanno and/or Todd
and anyone else who wants to play.
Why I Teach
I generally don't respond to memes, but (1) I was tagged on this one by someone whose blog I love, Dr. Free Ride of Adventures in Ethics and Science and (2) it's an interesting question: "Why do you teach and why is academic freedom critical to...
Snow White And The Seven Habits Of Highly Successful Dwarves
I generally don't respond to blog-memes, partly because of an anti-authoritarian streak where I hate to be told what to think and write about and partly because I like for this to be a blog about ideas, not about me. But I got tagged with this one...
Hello, illustrious readers, So sorry for not posting for a few days. I've been lying in wait for the computer, hoping that my philosopher would take a break from the paper-writing and student-grade-preparing. He is taking a break now, so I'm going...
We May Need A Break, But You Can Still Follow Us
As you probably know already, I consider this blog as purely a project of love and civic duty. It's my way of contributing a little bit to the world by sharing interesting, and hopefully thought-provoking, things I come across. I make no money from...
Blog Hiatus
As you probably surmise, dear readers, this blog is a product of love. I firmly believe that exposing others to interesting, challenging and diverse ideas might just be the spark that can inspire someone to pursue any of these questions in more depth....