Strange, old global maps

"Strange Maps"
California as an island, utopia in the shape of a skull, and other cartographic curiosities.
Frank Jacobs
November. 30th, 2009
"Strange Maps"
Trick Or Treat?
Once again, we took the short people trick or treating last night. It's really not fair. They go door to door collecting attractive little packages of candy they are not allowed to have. Taking kids who can't have candy trick or treating is a...
France's "mysterious Island"...endangered
Jules Verne wrote a book called Mysterious Island complete with strange creatures and the wet dock for Captain Nemo's Nautilus. Today a new island has been formed with less than monstrous creatures and being invaded by the human species. "France's...
Claude Mellan's Moon Engravings [1637]
Claude Mellan and Pierre Gassendi Three maps of the Moon 1637 These three maps of the Moon by the celebrated engraver Mellan, whose work was commissioned by Pierre Gassendi, show three different phases of the Earth's satellite. Claude Mellan...
14% Wider And 30% Brighter...our Moon Tomorrow Night
FULL MOON...AND MARS Friday night's full Moon is the biggest and brightest full Moon of the year. It's a "perigee Moon," as much as 14% wider and 30% brighter than other full Moons you'll see later in 2010. But that's not all. Mars is...
Vintage Star Atlases, Charts, And Maps
If you are interested in looking at Linda Hall Library's electronic collection of vintage star atlases, charts, and maps, then go to Linda Hall Library ....