Stephen Colbert - Conservapedia

Stephen Colbert - Conservapedia

Reality sucks sometimes, especially when your world-view is based upon the incoherent, bigoted, unscientific and self-contradictory ramblings of an ancient barbaric and illiterate people with a reputation for their fantastic sense of superstition and questionable moral doctrines.

So, what do you do in the 21st century when all available evidence and reality contradicts your backward beliefs? If you're anything like Conservapedia founder, Andy Schlafly, you make up your own shit and ask like-minded reality denialists to contribute to your propaganda. If someone questions why you are relying on the testimony of prejudiced non-experts, you use phrases like 'democratic process' and 'the marketplace of ideas,' and argue that the best ideas will rise to the top (because you've actively edited contradictory views out of the meme pool). And finally, you also try to discredit reality by calling it 'liberal bias.' Yes, it's pretty pathetic...

Of course, when you have to defend your tactics in public, like Schlafly does in this funny interview with Stephen Colbert, you're either going to argue in circles or you're going to contradict yourself... or both :)

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Andy Schlafly
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorU.S. Speedskating

To get a sense of their delusional ramblings and their venomous rhetoric, check out their entries on homosexuality, evolution, premarital sex and atheism.

- Patricia Churchland On The Colbert Report
One of the challenges many of Stephen Colbert's guests have, even those who are super educated and smart, is being able to deal with the speed of his wit and sophistry. Of course, philosophers from the time of Socrates have learned how to deal with...

- A.c. Grayling On Colbert
Philosopher A.C. Grayling (whom you've seen debate along with Richard Dawkins against the notion that atheism is the new fundamentalism), has just come out with a secular bible. His book tour just had him land for a visit with Stephen Colbert, who...

- Bill O'reilly Proves God's Existence?
It kind of sucks when some of us spend years of rigorous disciplined training and research trying to understand the nature of reality only to be one-upped by the supernatural theo-philosophical powers of pundits like Bill O'Reilly. As part of this...

- Tiny Triumphs - Lethal Drug Shortage Irony
No, I'm not talking about the fact that the standard practice is to sterilize the needle for a lethal injection (it does make one wonder, though), or even about the fact that the lethal drug has an expiration date... I'll just let Stephen Colbert...

- Rep. Steve King Is A Racist Douchebag
One could argue that it takes major balls to make the claim that minorities (like blacks and native Americans) owe reparations to white people for past injustices (like the cost of slavery), but a better argument might be that what it takes is a complete...

