A.C. Grayling on Colbert

Philosopher A.C. Grayling (whom you've seen debate along with Richard Dawkins against the notion that atheism is the new fundamentalism), has just come out with a secular bible.
His book tour just had him land for a visit with Stephen Colbert, who claims that you can't have a Bible unless it's endorsed by God... or unless you're willing to kill someone else in its name :)
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And for an entirely different take, listen to Grayling and philosopher Patricia Churchland discuss The Machinery of Mind.
Patricia Churchland On The Colbert Report
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Take The Money, Donald Trump! Do It For The Children!
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If Fifty Shades Of Grey Is Not Dirty Enough For Your Taste, Try The Bible, But Don't Say I Didn't Warn You
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Stephen Colbert Occupies Occupy Wall Street
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Stephen Colbert Vs. Richard Dawkins
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