SNL - Why Joe Wilson Yelled "You Lie!"

You probably think congressman Joe Wilson is a racist douche bag for disrupting Obama's healthcare address to Congress last week with his unexpected outburst, but what you may not really understand is why he acted the way he did. Saturday Night Live has the inside scoop.
And they also benefit from James Carville's maniacal Skeletor wisdom :)
I'm sure Wilson's support for the confederate flag has nothing to do with his racism or his hatred of immigrant minorities... that's just a funny coincidence :)
They Might Be Kantians: Legitimate Argument For Guilt By Association?
This morning the short people and I were listening to "Flood" on the way into school. Still a great album. The ethical question in the song "Your Racist Friend" has always interested me. The song recounts the conundrum of someone at a friend's party...
Happy Birthday Robert Wilson
Today is the 75th birthday of Robert Wilson, an accidental Nobel laureate in physics. In 1964, Wilson and his partner Arno Allen Penzias were working at Bell labs in New Jersey developing a new ultra-sensitive antenna that could measure small amounts...
E.o. Wilson - Advice To Young Scientists
"The world needs you, badly." That's how celebrated evolutionary biologist and entomologist E.O. Wilson (also known as Darwin's heir, or the Lord of the Ants) begins this fascinating, amusing and inspirational TEDTalk presentation encouraging...
The Awesomest Sentence I Read Today
I've totally neglected this type of blog entry for a while, but maybe now I'll get it started again. Anyway, this is from an essay on gay rights, written by Jonathan Rauch, quoting James Q. Wilson: Of all the institutions through which men may...
The "bizarre"--gary Larson
Gary Larson Gahan Wilson I am a day late but Gary Larson celebrates number 60. A cartoonist of the bizarre much like Gahan Wilson [ who drew cartoons for Playboy] but not as grotesque. "Happy 60th Birthday, Gary Larson!" by Matt Blum August 14th, 2010...