The Awesomest Sentence I Read Today

The Awesomest Sentence I Read Today

I've totally neglected this type of blog entry for a while, but maybe now I'll get it started again. Anyway, this is from an essay on gay rights, written by Jonathan Rauch, quoting James Q. Wilson:
Of all the institutions through which men may pass--schools, factories, the military--marriage has the largest [domesticating] effect.

Rauch then argues that the domestication of men ought to be one of the top three social functions of marriage. Wow...

- The Traditional Definition Of Marriage
With the Obama administration backing away from DOMA, it makes me wonder why we allow the right to get away with the false claim that "the traditional definition of marriage is one man and one woman" as if this has been what the institution has meant...

- Passing The Plate: Take My Wife...please Edition
My Fellow Comedists, It is time to pass the plate again. Other religions ask you to donate money, but in Comedism we tithe jokes. So, dig deep and give to the worthiest of causes. In honor of TheWife's and my anniversary, let's do marriage jokes...

- Polygamy Revisited
In discussing yesterday's comments, TheWife suggested a post extending and clarifying the polygamy portion of the argument. Fortunately, Lindsay over at Majikthise has done it for me and, no doubt, better. We need to remember what the original claim...

- Michael Sandel - Philosophy And The Lost Art Of Democratic Debate
In our modern world of social liberalism and libertarianism, we tend to think that questions of policy should be procedural rather than substantive: government should restrict itself to the protection of individual rights and the arbitration of conflict,...

- Senator Diane Savino On The Marriage Equality Bill
Gay people want the same constitutional right to be miserable that the rest of us have. I don't quite get this preference myself (I'm skeptical of marriage in general), but the question is ultimately one of equality and justice before the law,...

