Self-Reference, I Said

Self-Reference, I Said

A few years back, LilBro gave me a shirt he embroidered with the sentence, "There's something inherently funny about self-reference" above the pocket. I love that shirt, not only because it is true, but because I said it and having a self-referential claim about self-reference is inherently funny.

Then, last week I had reason to say, "Aristotle wrote the first seminal work on male reproduction." It is a sentence I adore. It made me think of the Moxy Fruvous song "King of Spain" which includes the wonderful phrase "a palatial palace."

So, what is your favorite example of self-reference? He worked judiciously during his years on the federal bench. They searched blindly for the cause of macular degeneration. She leafed through a volume on botany. Others?

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