

My Fellow Comedists,

TheWife and I took the kids up to Cooperstown this week and in the gift shop I saw an amazing t-shirt:

T-shirts are a classic Comedist medium. My favorite was red with a black image of Groucho, Harpo and Chico with the caption, "Sure, I'm a Marxist."

This week's question to those who also spent many hours with the Northern Sun catalogs (back when we had catalogs) -- what's the funniest t-shirt you've ever seen?

Live, love, and laugh,

Irreverend Steve

Like we ever need an excuse to add this:

- The Admiral Fell Inn
My Fellow Comedists, Taking advantage of one of the days when my semester is over but the short people are still in school, TheWife and I went down to Fells Point.  At its heart is an establishment named after the namesake of the neighborhood, a...

- Groucho And Pure Jokes
My Fellow Comedists, I was unable to get this weekend's comedist post up in time, so let's do it today.  This week marks the 50th anniversary of Groucho's last public performance.  An aging Groucho was slipping into depression, so...

- Funny Funnies
My Fellow Comedists, This weekend the Reubens are announced. Named for Rube Goldberg, the Reubens are the awards of the National Cartoonists Society. Awards are given in thirteen categories from feature length animation to greeting cards. You can see...

- Mixed Breeds
My Fellow Comedists, So TheWife has been beginning to think about dogs. Mixed breeds are much healthier than pure breeds and in terms of intelligence and shedding, poodles are a great dog to work into a mix. As a result, we now have lots of poodle mixes...

- Who's On First?: Hyperbole Or Not?
My Fellow Comedists, Let's put up the Comedist post a little early this week since we're on a roll of baseball questions. Showed the short people "who's on first" and, of course, they loved it. They've asked to see it five more times since....

