Sarah Palin: Being President Would Diminish My Power
I don't know too much about what Sarah Palin was like before she became known outside of Alaska, but I do know that she's become one of the biggest attention whores of our time, all while curiously decrying how the 'lame-stream media' is always trying to silence her. This, by the way, is the very same media that follows her around constantly, tries to interview her every time a fly drops, and pays her obscene amounts of cash so that she can spew her incoherent nonsense all over the American airwaves.
So, it should come as no surprise that as soon as Republicans start wondering about possible new candidates (because they realize the current ones all suck), Sarah Palin needs to bring the spotlight back to herself, in literally less than a minute! But that's not enough: her twisted self-victimization mentality actually has her convinced that being President of the United Freaking States would just be another way that others would use to shut her up. Poor baby...
Holy shit! She's out there trying to get people to THINK??????
And she thinks she is a maverick and a rogue. I wonder what she thinks those words mean...
Apparently Mitt Romney Can't Stand Half Of All Americans, And Most Of Them Are Conservatives And The Elderly...
You may have heard a few days ago that Mother Jones released a devastating series of videos showcasing Mitt Romney talking to a bunch of rich buddies and donors, and saying what he REALLY thinks about poor people when he doesn't know there's a...
Colbert And Stewart Disagree On Sugary Drinks Ban
When Mayor Bloomberg announced that he wanted to ban the sale of oversized 16-ounce sugary drinks in NYC, everyone went ape shit. Sure, while the idea to try to force people to become more conscious about choices affecting their own health is well-intentioned,...
Gop Derp
Apart from Mitt Romney (whose success seems predicated on his opponents predictably putting their foots in their own mouths), one Republican who must be thrilled about the lack of intelligence and eloquence among the current GOP candidates is George...
Science - What's It Up To?
Science claims to be looking for cures for diseases, save the planet from the multiple dangers that threaten it, and to want to solve and understand the mysteries of the universe, but Aasif Mandvi from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, sat down with a...
Figures Palin Would Claim It Was A "lame-stream Media Gotcha Moment"
I wish I could consider myself a prophet, since I called it, but sadly the truth is much more mundane: this woman is too petty and too predictable. I don't actually have much of a problem with ignorance. It's simply a lack of information which...