Robert D. Maurer...optical fiber data transmission
Robert D. MaurerJuly 20th, 1924

An "American research physicist, who with his colleagues at Corning Glass Works, Dr. Donald B. Keck and Dr. Peter Schultz invented fused silica optical waveguide - optical fiber. This was a breakthrough creating a revolution in telecommunications, capable of carrying 65,000 times more information than conventional copper wire. In 1970, Maurer, Keck, and Schultz solved a problem that had previously stumped scientists around the world. They designed and produced the first optical fiber with optical losses low enough for wide use in telecommunications. The light loss was limited to 20 decibels per kilometer (at least one percent of the light entering a fiber remains after traveling one kilometer). He retired in 1989."Robert D. Maurer [Wikipedia]
Einstein Mask Optical Illusion
In our everyday experience, it seems as though perception is simply a matter of information hitting your sense organs and going straight to our brain. In reality, however, perception turns out to be an incredibly sophisticated and complex concatenation...
Erbium Chloride Silicate And The Next Generation Of Computers
"New Material Enhances Solar, Computers, Lighting Applications" November 23rd, 2011 NASA Tech Briefs Arizona State University researchers have created a new compound crystal material, called erbium chloride silicate, that can be used to develop the...
“the Giant Eye”...corning Glass Works Participation
Ladle of Molten Glass on way to Mold 1934 "Mirror to Discovery" The 200-Inch Disk and the Hale Reflecting Telescope at Palomar January 10 - October 30, 2011 Rakow Research Library Corning Museum of Glass In 1928, the famed astronomer, George Ellery...
- Internet 1,000x Faster?
We were also told of the reality of the, do you believe this... "Tomorrow's Internet: 1,000 times faster" by Scott Jaschik October 21st, 2010 Imagine if all the data traversing the world right now -- on long distance networks...
Sounds like an oxymoron. Pretty much a thing of the past and I am sure a number of lawyers are establishing their tactics to cash in on an individual's exposure to working with rockwool. In 1897, a rock wool factory in the U.S., the Crystal Chemical...