Right-Wing Violence

Right-Wing Violence

We were given a report from Homeland Security warning of right-wing violence. Now in a short span of time, we have the assassination of Dr. George Tiller and a man opening fire in front of the Holocaust Museum. Is this an inevitable consequence of change? Is there something that can be done to release the pressure that causes it?

- How Do You Keep Non-violence Non-violent?
81 years ago today, Mahatma Gandhi started his salt march to Dandi by holding up a handful of mud and salt and declaring that "With this, I am shaking the foundations of the British Empire." He was right. The non-violent opposition to the British salt...

- Rhetorical Insanity
A second element of the right-wing commentator's element that they bear absolutely no responsibility for the attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords is that Jared Loughner is CRAAAAAAZY. They are pleading innocence by reason of someone else's...

- Soccer Hooliganism
Let me say up front that this is not an anti-soccer post. Yes, it is a slow game and I have no problem with that. There is an ebb and flow and like watching the weather channel there is a drama in seeing things maybe develop and then dissipate waiting...

- What Is A Terrorist?
I've always hated the cliche, "It's just a matter of semantics." We say that, of course, when we mean that a discussion is trivial worrying about defnitions instead of content, but semantics, the study of meaning, is quite difficult and important....

- A Deal Lieberman Couldn't Refuse?
Seems to me that there are four possible explanations for the Lieberman fiasco: (1) The caucus believes that they are at 60 with Begich and Franken and the super-majority was more important than Lieberman's behavior. (2) Obama is serious about ending...

