Soccer Hooliganism

Soccer Hooliganism

Let me say up front that this is not an anti-soccer post. Yes, it is a slow game and I have no problem with that. There is an ebb and flow and like watching the weather channel there is a drama in seeing things maybe develop and then dissipate waiting to see a sudden thunder storm with a tornado. I can see why people would enjoy the sport and how there could be fans all over the world.

I can also see how there could be riots connected with other forms of entertainment, like, say professional wrestling, where violence is ever-present and where the entire enterprise whips people into a frenzy. Hollywood action films have become more and more frenetic in their pacing because the tempo affects us. If the plot moves too slowly, we don't react in the same way. There is a reason why the military used drums and why dance beats cause us to behave in ways we might not otherwise.

This then is my confusion. How can there be such passion and violence associated with fans of something so slow?

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