Phallus in Blunderland

Phallus in Blunderland

When having slept with someone no longer seems like such a good idea...or being referred to as a "new gay cowboy blog" when I am neither gay nor a cowboy (not that there's anything wrong with either). [See the prior post over at phronesisaical for an explanation.]

- Blogs And Citations
So I get an e-mail the other day from someone asking very politely if he could have permission to translate one of my posts into French and put it on his blog. I responded as I usually do to such requests, saying no problem and feel free to reprint anything...

- Ok, I Think I've Done It
Helmut, over at phronesisaical a few days ago asked a good question -- "What sort of post do I need to write to get lots of comments and links?" I think I've succeeded in answering the inverse question -- how do I write a post to guarantee no comments?...

- Slinky Magic In Slow Motion
If you've been following this blog for a while, then you probably already know the answer (and the explanation) to the following question: if you hold on to one end of a slinky and let the other side hang down until it stops moving, what would happen...

- Van Gogh...accidental Review
"Van Gogh did not kill himself, authors claim" by Will Gompertz October 17th, 2011 BBC NEWS Vincent van Gogh did not kill himself, the authors of new biography Van Gogh: The Life have claimed. Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith say that, contrary...

- More On David Flory...the "professor Pimp"
Excellent news material for the start of Summer. ""Professor Pimp" Allegedly Used His University Email Address To Run Hooker Site" by John Del Signore June 22nd, 2011 gothamist An Upper West Side physics professor wasn't too bright when he registered...

