Ok, I Think I've Done It

Ok, I Think I've Done It

Helmut, over at phronesisaical a few days ago asked a good question -- "What sort of post do I need to write to get lots of comments and links?" I think I've succeeded in answering the inverse question -- how do I write a post to guarantee no comments? Two words: Polish politics.

So what makes a post that you respond to and what makes one that you don't?

- Does This Blog Make Me Look Fat?
A question is a request for information, but, of course, we use sentences that sound like questions for all sorts of other things. In my Critical Thinking class last week we started thinking critically about the question, "Do these pants make my butt...

- Glowing Embers
In response to the discussion a few days ago about how to avoid the fate of so many good-hearted people who get beaten down by years of fighting the good fight for peace, justice, and equality, Ron Zucker wrote some wonderful words and he's graciously...

- Name That Holiday
Contrary to SteveD's contention, I was in no way fishing for my own holiday with yesterday's post. He does, however, raise a darn good question: What holidays are missing from the calendar? What new holidays should be created? My suggestions:...

- Freedom Of Speech And Hate Speech
A very interesting post over at phronesisaical where Helmut is discussing legitimate boundaries to free speech. I think his argument is well-thought out and well worth a read, but since we brought up Austin yesterday, might as well keep on the roll. What...

- Phallus In Blunderland
When having slept with someone no longer seems like such a good idea...or being referred to as a "new gay cowboy blog" when I am neither gay nor a cowboy (not that there's anything wrong with either). [See the prior post over at phronesisaical for...

