Passover in the Google Age

Passover in the Google Age

This week is full of religious celebrations. The Christians are celebrating Easter, the time when Jesus sodomized the Easter Bunny and knocked him up (hence the eggs). Oh, and also something about Jesus, a carpenter, being ironically punished by getting nailed to two pieces of wood...

The Jews, meanwhile, are celebrating Passover, that time when God decided that the indiscriminate killing of thousands of innocent Egyptian babies somehow justified freeing the Israelites so that they could wander aimlessly for forty years and then end up in the one place in the Middle East where there is no oil.

Still, part of the allure of the story has to do with the obstacles that this stubborn people had to overcome. I think you'd agree with me that if the Exodus were to take place during the google/facebook age, it wouldn't seem quite as dramatic and epic...

And don't forget that The Easter Bunny Hates You! :)

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