Fairy Sex

Fairy Sex

Is the Tooth Fairy male or female? What about the Easter Bunny?

- The Value Of False Rituals
TheWife loves rituals. She finds great meaning in them, even if they are new rituals that she or we are inventing for our family as we go. I, on the other hand, have never been one for rituals. They've always seemed like inauthentic actions performed...

- Faith/off - Easter Vs Passover
And so it was that three days after his crucifixion, Jesus sent the Easter bunny to lay some chocolate eggs for kids to find, get high on sugary sweets, and eventually get tooth decay that would drive stock prices up for the Tooth Fairy's corporate...

- Passover In The Google Age
This week is full of religious celebrations. The Christians are celebrating Easter, the time when Jesus sodomized the Easter Bunny and knocked him up (hence the eggs). Oh, and also something about Jesus, a carpenter, being ironically punished by getting...

- Bunny Yeager...pinup Photographer
Yes, that is Lucille Ball. This form of glamor photography is gone. No titillation...just go on the web and take the course of gynecology 101. "How Bunny Yeager invented the pin-up" Bunny Yeager, the queen of pin-up photography, was a knockout on...

- "moon Rabbit"--"jade Rabbit"...it Is Easter
House Rabbit Society... Easter is not really a solar festival, but rather one of the moon. The name Easter comes to us from the Saxon Eostre (synonymous with the phoenician Astarte), goddess of the moon. From the most ancient times, this goddess was...

