Oversimplifying Politics

Oversimplifying Politics

Channeling Jack Handy:

Conservatives are anti-gay marriage and anti-contraception. Liberals are anti-gun and anti-SUV. Conservatives oppose people having sex and liberals oppose what guys do to compensate for not having sex.

- Why Is Ron Paul Ignored By The Media?
So, in the latest poll from Public Policy Polling, Ron Paul leads the Republican field in Iowa. This, after a string of other candidates, popularly deemed the anti-Romneys, rose and fell. But the way all of those candidates were treated is very different...

- Hank Williams, Jr.: O.k., Obama As Hitler, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...but Netanyahu?
Everyone has surely seen the Hank Williams, Jr. rant from Fox's morning show by now. But, to remind you: So, Obama playing golf with Boehner is like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu? I get the Obama/Hitler reference -- both are hated by conservatives...

- Can We Stick A Fork In Him Yet?
So a tape of racist, sexist, anti-Semite, drunk driver and wife beater Mel Gibson's verbal abuse has been released as they are going through divorce hearings. Why is he still working? Is it that he's good looking? Is it that his fame is pre-established...

- Conservatives Look At "who" And Liberals Look At "what"
I drive to work everyday past a home that has on its lawn an old army transport vehicle with a sign on the side that says, "Jane Fonda Traitor Bitch." What fascinates me about the truck is not only the holding of a 35 year old grudge -- that in itself...

- Jonathan Haidt - The Moral Roots Of Liberals And Conservatives
If you've kept up at all with the various cultural wars in this country, you're painfully aware of the various stereotypes that liberals and conservatives hold with regard to each other: conservatives are gun-totin' Jesus/Ronald Regan-worshipping,...

