
"The Gray Lady Sets Her Price"
December 16th, 2010
Sometime next month, the New York Times will try again to do online what it does offline: Make readers pay. Media pundits are already speculating about whether this experiment will work—the newspaper abandoned its last attempt at charging readers after two years—and the Times itself has released very little information about the plan. About all that's certain is that visitors will get to read a set number of articles for free, and will have to pay a monthly fee for unlimited access (the system will also be very hard to fool, says a Times executive). The most prominent newspaper to date with a similar system is probably the Financial Times of London, which allows readers 10 articles a month for free and charges $4.25 per week for unlimited access in the United States.
Greed...the New York Times
A small notice placed in the upper right hand section of the online paper...A Change to Free Monthly AccessBeginning in April, nonsubscribers will have access to 10 free articles per month on instead of 20. ----------Why is The Times changing...
Nyt Paywall Appears To Draw New Revenues
So what. It just limits news from those that cannot afford a subscription. But this may well be the wave of the future...unfortunately. They do allow 20 contacts per month for non-subscribers and there is another way to access a desired article. Find...
Two Blows This Week: At&t And The New York Times
Both of these news items involve "money" and a way of limiting the user. AT&T announced that they will limit DSL customers to 125G/month. Anything over that will cost more. They failed to explain how the user was to monitor their usage. And The New...
Goodbye "nyt"
This will be a cascading feature throughout the Internet. The New York Times announced today that it will be introducing a paid model for at the beginning of 2011. The new approach, referred to as the metered model, will offer users free...
The Shrinking Internet
This is not good news at all but time will determine its impact. "Google to limit free newspaper articles" by Jefferson Graham December 1st, 2009 USA TODAY Google, which has come under fire for making newspaper content easier to read without buying...