Magooby's and Obama
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere,
Before we get to the sermon, a quick anouncement. For those in the Baltimore area, I'll be playing Magooby's Joke House this coming Thursday night. It's an all ages gig, $7 at the door, 8-11 p.m. I'd love to see anyone who cares to show. Not sure if I'll be doing the "Pickup Trucks with Fake Rubber Testicles" set or the "Why They Don't Have Hooters in France" set, yet. (The Old Man and Jeff Maynes I believe are the only ones who have seen both, so feel free to let me know which you think would play better there.)
Now, this week, we saw the inauguration of Barack Obama and almost everyone is happy about it...almost.

Leno comes out and says, "George W. Bush is no longer President. Therefore, there will be no monologue this evening." Surely, this is overstating the case. This is America where the right to petition the government and insult the President are inalienable. So, this week, let's collect Obama jokes.
"Since Obama's election, relations have gotten much closer between the U.S. and Great Britain. The English are now less self-conscious about Prince Charles' ears."
"So, we have a new leader. Barack Obama, or as my wife calls him, 'President Cutie-Pie.' After that shirtless picture from Hawaii, it's gotten so bad I need to use his campaign speeches as foreplay. Just before we reach the moment of ecstasy, she now screams 'Yes we can.' Four years of a big O now has a completely different meaning...or does it?"
Best Obama jokes you've seen, heard, or written?
Live, love, and laugh,
Irreverend Steve
Passing The Plate: Wedding Edition
My Fellow Comedists, It's time to solicit donations again. Other churches ask for money, but Comedists tithe jokes. We had the royal wedding this week, but this weekend, one of our own -- Jeff Maynes -- is tying the knot. So in his honor, let's...
Comedist Announcement
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, It is less than three weeks until April 1st, Saint Shecky's Day, the holiest day of the Comedist calendar and during holy moley week I will be celebrating my imminent 40th birthday by performing...
A Comedist Request
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, This weekend, I, the Irreverend Steve, come to you for advice. I am in need of pastoral counseling from my flock. We stand a mere eight weeks from April 1, Saint Shecky's Day, the holiest...
Michelle Obama's Speech At The Dnc
There are some things about President Obama's first term that we may find infuriating and disappointing, even though his record, though vilified by the opposition, actually shows some amazing improvements that aren't sufficiently touted...
Obama & Seth Myers At The White House Correspondents' Dinner
Disclaimer: there is a chance I may have broken some ribs over the weekend. If that's the case, I'll probably slow down on the funny entries for a while because unfortunately, apart from sneezing and getting up in the morning when your ribs are...