Jon Pertwee and vacuum tubes
Yes, it's Jon Pertwee who "starred as the Third Doctor in the science-fiction series Doctor Who from 1970 to 1974".
Placebos, Doctors, And Patients
We know that the placebo effect is real. Some people will actually get better if they think they are being treated. It is not that they think they're getting better, they actually are. So, if I am ill and my doctor thinks that given what he knows...
Placebos And Autonomy
A new study finds that about half of American doctors prescribe placebos for their patients. In order for the placebo effect to work, the patient must believe that the prescribed treatment is generally effective, something the doctor knows to be false....
Physician, Heal Myself
This week's Comedist meditation is on doctors. I've been to see physicians several times this week having been diagnosed with Lyme disease. I had all the usual symptoms, fever, chills, a bull's eye rash, and an uncontrollable urge to bathe...
"doctor Who": New "doctor"; New "companion"
Karen Gillan Matt Smith In 2010 Doctor Who will be all new. Matt Smith will be the new "Doctor" and Karen Gillian will be the new "Companion". This British sci-fi series has been around since 1963 and commands a large cadre of followers. I wonder how...
"doctor Atomic"...revisionism Of Science History
Oh my, I don't think opera will be same again. It is a delight to see the tremendous ethical issues involved in the production and deployment of a nuclear weapon. Atonement for such decisions is inevitable and this particular event will be debated...