How Much Vacation Is the Right Amount?

How Much Vacation Is the Right Amount?

Travel anywhere and you will find lots of Europeans, especially Germans who get much more vacation than American workers. Two weeks a year certainly does not lend itself to human flourishing. How much vacation would be appropriate? How much time off would be maximally compatible with living fulfilling lives and still being folks committed to our occupations?

- Do We Need To Get Away?
Vacation is surely a modern construct, but is it a necessity of contemporary life? Do we need vacation time? We call taking the occasional day off a "mental health day" but is this a metaphor or meant to be understood literally? Is getting away from it...

- What's The Difference: Summer Vacation Edition
What's the difference between a trip, a vacation, and a holiday?...

- The Right Or The Good?
I was driving in this morning after dropping off a short person for the last day of school before summer vacation and listening to Jack Johnson's song "Banana Pancakes" and couldn't help thinking of one of TheWife's soapbox issues -- the 40...

- Happy 4th Of July Everyone
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, Leaving for vacation, so a short one for the holiday weekend.Live, love, and laugh, Irreverend Steve...

- How To Never Make Another Mistake (seriously)
Folks, I?ve been in full dissertation mode for the past few months, so I haven?t been able to post as often as I would like. I?m writing a dissertation that requires me to call on the training I received in law school and will, hopefully, allow me to...

