Do We Need to Get Away?

Do We Need to Get Away?

Vacation is surely a modern construct, but is it a necessity of contemporary life? Do we need vacation time? We call taking the occasional day off a "mental health day" but is this a metaphor or meant to be understood literally? Is getting away from it all in the sense of going somewhere else important? Are "stay-cations" able to serve all the same functions or does a change of scenes do something itself?

- Feed A Cold, Starve A Fever?
PeterLC asks, "As I sit here ill, is there any credence to 'feeding a cold and starving a fever?' or is it the other way around?"First of all, get better, my friend. As for the advice, nope. Medicine worked for centuries under the humour model...

- Mental Health Parity And Identity
One of most celebrated questions in philosophy is the mind/body problem, that is, are the mind and the brain the same thing or different things. If they are different, how, if at all, are they interconnected? Let's take an oblique approach to this...

- What's The Difference: Summer Vacation Edition
What's the difference between a trip, a vacation, and a holiday?...

- The Right Or The Good?
I was driving in this morning after dropping off a short person for the last day of school before summer vacation and listening to Jack Johnson's song "Banana Pancakes" and couldn't help thinking of one of TheWife's soapbox issues -- the 40...

- The Workers Want Shorter Hours. Fine, Let's Start By Cutting Their Lunch Hour
I love my job. Especially these two weeks. The kids are in school and I am not. A little quiet time to get stuff done that has piled up over the year. But soon it'll be summer, wonderful summer. I'm extremely lucky that my line of work allows...

