Hans Rosling - The Joy of Stats

If there were a prize for the geekiest and most adorable intellectuals out there, Hans Rosling would surely be in the lead. He's the kind of guy from whom you want to learn and whose cheeks you want to pinch :)
It is no surprise, therefore, that the BBC partnered up with him to produce a fascinating and amusing documentary about the history, importance and influence of statistical analysis.
If you think statistics sounds boring, that's probably because you've never seen them come to life, but that's about to change as you see how this humble discipline has the potential to revolutionize the world, and even the way science is done, a few times over.
Check out more documentaries, more entries on math or just tons of awesome animations.
Hans Rosling - Religion And Babies
When Hans Rosling speaks, I listen. The nice thing about him is that he much prefers to base his beliefs and opinions on data and evidence than on ideology. So, when I saw the title of this talk about the relationship between religion and babies, I was...
The History Of The Two-party Vote
If you happen to enjoy demographic data being animated, like when Hans Rosling does it (here or here), or when a map shows you the march of democracy across human history, or even when a map shows you what Presidents were in office during different wars,...
200 Countries, 200 Years, All In 4 Minutes
If you've seen Hans Rosling's TEDTalk presentation before, I think you'd agree with me that if his training weren't in health and demographics, his alternate career would have been as a sports announcer. I don't know what he knows...
Space Odyssey - Voyage To The Planets
I recently posted an entry featuring author Mary Roach talking about the science and logistics of manned space exploration. As you will remember (and as it applies to the rest of her awesome books), her focus is primarily on the interesting circumstances...
Hans Lippershey...dutch Lens Grinder
Hans Lippershey 1570 to September 1619 Hans Lippershey is part of the debate concerning the one who introduced the telescope...some say Galileo and some say Lippershey. Hans Lippershey was a lens grinder and one anecdote goes: Lippershey was "observing...