Space Odyssey - Voyage to the Planets

I recently posted an entry featuring author Mary Roach talking about the science and logistics of manned space exploration. As you will remember (and as it applies to the rest of her awesome books), her focus is primarily on the interesting circumstances in which the human body can find itself, and how such circumstances create opportunities for curious scientists to learn a bit more about how we operate.
Combine the question of what would happen to the human body when exposed to the great diversity of environments available in our solar system, how scientists, engineers and doctors would tackle these challenges, and what we would learn about the solar system itself if we were to send a manned crew to explore it in all its glory... and what you'd find is today's visually stunning documentary/movie.

Would it be possible for humans to land on Venus, when its atmospheric pressure alone (92 times stronger than that on Earth) is strong enough to make carbon dioxide a kind of liquid? And let's not even get started with its heat, which is enough to melt lead, and makes Venus the hottest planet in the solar system. What about approaching and escaping Jupiter's gravitational field, or visiting any of its moons? What about flying through Saturn's rings? Or landing on a comet?!? Clear your schedule, grab a bite, sit back and enjoy the show.
Check out a similarly awesome documentary about Titan.
Wonders Of The Solar System - Order Out Of Chaos
Taken as a whole, the solar system is a remarkable display of patterns and order: the sun sits at the center, planets rotate around it in regular and predictable orbits, and moons do the same around the planets. The very look of it superficially resembles...
Space...humans Or Robots
"Humans vs. Robots: Who Should Dominate Space Exploration?"byAdam Mann April 11th, 2012WiredThe most recent footprints on the moon are 40 years old, and the next artificial mark on the lunar surface will probably be made by a robot’s wheels rather...
More On Pluto And Classification
Ms. read and check out the link [fourth essay listed] provided in the body of this essay. Don't let the math bother you. "Picking Planets from Potatoes" Poor Pluto: Number of Dwarf Planets Increases April 24th, 2010 Astrobiology Magazine...
Matrix Of "life Forms"
Maybe something can be learned from science fiction...not all life forms are carbon based and need water. "'Life as we don't know it' in the universe? Start with Titan" Saturn's frigid moon Titan is not a candidate for Earth-like life....
Pluto's Day
Not the pup but the planet[?] Pluto popped into the planet ensemble on March 13th. "Happy Pluto Discovery Day" by Doug Cornelius March 10th, 2010 Wired The discovery of Pluto was announced on March 13. Pluto was labeled a planet when it was first...