Halley's Comet--human companion and part of the Bayeux Tapestry

Halley's Comet--human companion and part of the Bayeux Tapestry

King Harold and nation cower in fear at the close passage of Halley's Comet.

I witnessed Halley's Comet in 1986...my one and only encounter. I suppose that this is the most documented coment sharing mankind's history

David Newton's animated Bayeux Tapestry [in part] depicting the Norman Conquest and establishment of William The Conqueror as the King of England

Bayeux Tapestry

History had recorded the previous visits of Halley's Comet:


240,164, 86, 11


66, 141, 218, 295, 347, 451, 530, 607, 684, 760, 837, 912, 989, 1066, 1145, 1222, 1301, 1378, 1456, 1531, 1607, 1682, 1759, 1835, 1910, 1986

Next encounter will be in 2061.

Joe Laufer's Halley's Comet newsletter

- Thanksgiving Day Comet
An October 8 view of the comet from the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter near Tucson. "Comet On Target for Thanksgiving Roasting" November 1st, 2013 StarDate A comet that’s caused a lot of excitement is racing toward a close encounter with the Sun on Thanksgiving...

- "doodle" For Halley
"Edmond Halley's birthday celebrated by Google doodle" Google marks 335th birthday of astronomer and mathematician who accurately predicted return of comet later named after him by Cherry Wilson November 7th, 2011 guardian.co.uk English astronomer...

- Photographic Postcards...astronomy
Astronomy for Children--The Lunar Eclipse France Halley's Comet in 1066 from the Bayeux Tapestry France/United Kingdom "La Lune pour deux sous" [The Moon for a penny] France Solar Eclipse of August the 31st, 1909 Lyon, France The Imperial Marine...

- Comet Lulin Is Getting Closer
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- Book Review--"halley's Quest"
Halley's Quest by Julie Wakefield ISBN-10: 0309095948 ISBN-13: 978-0309095945 Christmas isn't far away and good cheer is always spread by books. From Amazon.com: Booklist: Edmund Halley is best known for discovering and calculating the period...

