Comet Lulin is getting closer

COMET LULIN UPDATE: Comet Lulin is approaching Earth and brightening rapidly. Observers say it is now visible to the naked eye as a faint (magnitude +5.6) gassy patch in the constellation Virgo before dawn. Even city dwellers have seen it. Backyard telescopes reveal a vivid green comet in obvious motion. Just yesterday, amateur astronomers watched as a solar wind gust tore away part of the comet's tail, the second time this month such a thing has happened. Lulin's closest approach to Earth (38 million miles) is on Feb. 24th; at that time the comet could be two or three times brighter than it is now. Browse the gallery for the latest images: .
Comet LulinGregg Ruppel
Ellisville, Missouri
[A few miles West of St. Louis, Missouri]
February 16th, 2009
Green comet Lulin
It's Aliveeeeee...ison That Is
Yesterday's time lapse indicated that the bulk of the comet had fell victim to the sun [above], but it appears that it survived. Cancel the funeral. Comet ISON is back from the dead. Yesterday, Nov. 28th, Comet ISON flew through...
Ison Comet...the Latest
"NASA captures Comet ISON speeding toward the sun" by Traci Watson November 27th, 2013 USA TODAY Comet ISON, a shopping-mall-sized chunk of dust and ice that makes its closest approach to the sun Thursday, is refusing to show its hand. Researchers know...
Thanksgiving Day Comet
An October 8 view of the comet from the Mount Lemmon SkyCenter near Tucson. "Comet On Target for Thanksgiving Roasting" November 1st, 2013 StarDate A comet that’s caused a lot of excitement is racing toward a close encounter with the Sun on Thanksgiving...
Donati’s Comet--1858
Stereo Photograph London 1858 Abstract... Donati’s comet was one of the most impressive astronomical events of the nineteenth century. Its extended sword-like tail was a spectacular sight that inspired several literary and artistic representations....
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