Grace, aesthetics, beauty...and no CGI

Grace, aesthetics, beauty...and no CGI

Sally Rand
[aka Billie Beck]

[Helen Harriet Beck]
April 3rd, 1904 to August 31st, 1979

An ecdysiast in the old sense of titillation and the fine art of eroticism...with a balloon or feathers...and no CGI.

Sunset Murder Case


[Turn off the obnoxious sound.]

Sunset Murder Case

Sally Rand at 1934 Chicago World's Fair

- Attempted Murder
Why do we have a crime called attempted murder? Isn't the problem that you tried your best to kill someone -- whether you succeeded or not? Should it really make any difference if you were too much of a screw up to figure it out? Is the idea that...

- A Defense For Ayn Rand?
"Why You Shouldn't Dismiss Ayn Rand"byGary WeissMarch 7th, 2012The Huffington PostI have a message for progressives, liberals, moderates, old-fashioned conservatives, neocons--in other words, pretty much everybody who detests the godmother of radical...

- Deceased--denise Darcel
Denise DarcelSeptember 8th, 1924 to December 23rd, 2012 Tarzan and the Slave Girl1950Vanessa Brown [Jane], Denise Darcel, and Lex Barker Not exactly a household name but she had a good career in the late 40s to mid 50s and when she left the movie...

- Swift Justice In Iran...sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani To Be Hung Today
"Iran stoning case woman to be 'hanged'" Human rights group claims Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is to be executed for murder instead of adultery November 2nd, 2010 An Iranian woman whose sentence of execution by stoning for adultery...

- Ayn Rand's "objectivism" Explained To Mike Wallace
Ayn Rand February 2nd, 1905 to March 6th, 1982 In this engaging 1959 interview, her first on television, Ayn Rand capsulizes her philosophy for CBS's Mike Wallace. The discussion ranges from the nature of morality to the economic and historical...

