Attempted Murder

Attempted Murder

Why do we have a crime called attempted murder? Isn't the problem that you tried your best to kill someone -- whether you succeeded or not? Should it really make any difference if you were too much of a screw up to figure it out? Is the idea that by missing your target, you probably had a last minute change of heart that caused your hand to flinch? By distinguishing it from real murder are we rewarding incompetence or conscience?

- Stand Your Ground Laws And The Return To The State Of Nature
In light of the Trayvon Martin killings, a spotlight has been cast onto so-called stand your ground laws. The idea is that you cannot be convicted of murder if you kill someone with the belief that your life was endangered by the victim. Whether you were...

- What Is Genocide?
Sat in on a colleagues class yesterday and they were working on a piece by psychologist David Moshman called "Us and Them: Identity and Genocide" where Moshman argues that the traditional definition of genocide is too broad in that it only looks at the...

- Swift Justice In Iran...sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani To Be Hung Today
"Iran stoning case woman to be 'hanged'" Human rights group claims Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is to be executed for murder instead of adultery November 2nd, 2010 An Iranian woman whose sentence of execution by stoning for adultery...

- Punishment Scale
This is still primitive...demanding revenge [punishment] for a specific order of crimes. I suppose that this will be forever a part of humanity but it would utopian to assume that it would ever reach the human status of crime in the era of Star Trek:...

- Campus Murders--intriguing
The question posed and described below is not that unusual. We like to read and witness the peccadillos and crimes of the rich and famous and even the crimes of outstanding merit on university campuses. Passions, greed, and ego stalk the halls of ivy....

