From the "Irony Can Be So Ironic" File

From the "Irony Can Be So Ironic" File

Ann Coulter's Jaw Wired Shut. We wish a speedy recovery, of course, but couple this with the fact that Rahm Emmanuel lost part of his middle finger in an accident and you've got yet more evidence of the existence of the Cosmic Comic. Irony this ironic doesn't just happen people.

- Appeal To Irony
Bob Talisse and Scott Aikin have another critical thinking piece in Scientific American -- man, I love that they do this -- this time explaining the flaw in on tu quoque arguments, that is arguments where the arguer doesn't listen to his or her own...

- Me And My Uncle: Justice, Irony, And Schadenfreude
One of the pieces in The Grateful Dead and Philosophy that I really love is the one written by own playground playpal Hanno. It's called "Me and My Uncle...and Thomas Hobbes" and examines a question that arises out of the Dead's most performed...

- Germ Peacefare: Could Civil Disobedience Be Infectious?
From the "Irony Can Be So Ironic" file: So a couple weeks back, Velupillai Prabhakaran, leader of the Tamil Tigers declared an end to the ceasefire with the Sri Lankan government. Violence had been flaring there recently and this move opened the door...

- Random Ironic Occurance Or Comic Design?
The intelligent design crowd thinks that the intricate nature of reality is evidence for the existence of their Creator, but complexity is one thing, an actual joke arising ex nihilo is another: So on the TSA's no-fly list is the name "Robert Johnson."...

- Haditha And My Lai: The Image Of War And Irony
Those who declared irony dead after 9/11 were infidels. Irony is alive and well. Ironic, isn't it? The similarities and differences between the killings at Haditha and My Lai are clear. But it remains to be seen into which of these columns we will...

