Germ Peacefare: Could Civil Disobedience Be Infectious?

Germ Peacefare: Could Civil Disobedience Be Infectious?

From the "Irony Can Be So Ironic" file:

So a couple weeks back, Velupillai Prabhakaran, leader of the Tamil Tigers declared an end to the ceasefire with the Sri Lankan government. Violence had been flaring there recently and this move opened the door to more innocent bloodshed by both the Tigers and the majority Sinhalese army. As if that wasn't bad enough, the island now been struck by a mosquito-carried disease, chikungunya, that leaves people with terrible flu-like symptoms and lays them up for about two weeks. Turns out that this public health crisis has struck the fighters leading to a marked decrease in the public health nightmare that is the war.

So, could infectious disease be used intentionally as a means of civil disobedience? Trade sit-ins for sick-ins? Cough for peace. Flu is not as unhealthy for children and other living things. Hey, hey, ho, ho, my nose, my nose, I've got to blow. Make chicken soup, not war.

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