

The shorter of the short people has his first crush. Of course, the only concepts he has that he can use to express his feelings is the language of love which he hears TheWife and I use with them and each other. But, of course, it doesn't really fit. Or does it?

Is a crush a form of love or something different?

- Oxymorons
My Fellow Comedists, Today the less short of the short people asked "What is an oxymoron"? Not wanting to use "jumbo shrimp" or "military intelligence," I came up with "vegetarian meatballs." I'd have said "happily married," but TheWife would have...

- Why Is Romance Yucky?
The shorter of the short people has reached the point where romantic scenes in movies are yucky. It's not that they are uninteresting, boring, or taking up space that could be used for something more exciting, rather they elicit a visceral and often...

- Bullshit Or Not: Zappa Edition
There's an old sketch film called Amazon Women on the Moon and one of the bits is a parody of the old Leonard Nimoy show, "In Search Of..." called, "Bullshit or Not?" with the tagline "Bullshit or not? You decide." It's a line I like so much that...

- Is Love Natural?
With Valentine's Day (or VD, as it is sometimes abbreviated) coming up this weekend, let's think about love. Is romantic something we are biologically pre-programed to feel or is it culturally constructed, something we've been taught to feel?...

- Pressing Your Love Button
We had a student present a senior thesis on reductionism in philosophy of mind and the love button example came up. TheWife and I went to a showing a couple weeks back of a Bangladeshi artist who has moved to the area. Very nice work in a wide variety...

