Chemistry art

Creation 17, chemistry on copper
36" x 24"
Cheryl Safren
Well, I am sure that you have seen art from physics and astronomy, but how about chemistry. Check out the Virtual Art Exhibition jointly published with the Special Issue on "Aesthetics and Visualization in Chemistry" by HYLE [International Journal for Philosophy of Chemistry]. Featured artists: Blair G. Bradshaw, David Clark, Erich Füllgrabe, Brigitte Hitschler, Lane E. Last, Paula L. Levine, Christopher Puzio, Cheryl Safren, and Tamar Schori.
Chemistry Art
Philosophy Of Chemistry: Why Only Now?
Taught a class this semester on the philosophy of chemistry with a friend who is a physical chemist. (You can always tell the physical chemists, they're the one's with the bruises -- much tougher crowd than those chemists who don't get physical.)...
Chemistry Books Of The Past..."the Golden Book Of Chemistry Experiments" And "the Boy Chemist"
The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments, written by Robert Brent and illustrated by Harry Lazarus, is a 1960s children's book that tells kids how they can set up a home chemistry lab to conduct simple chemistry experiments. Supposedly the US government...
Banned By The U. S. Government--a Chemistry Book
Yes, it is true, The United States Government banned a chemistry book from being placed on library shelves. The reason...too dangerous for the targeted audience. The book...The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments by Robert Brent and illustrated by Harry...
"science Area Of Interest" Poll
Favorite area of interest... Astronomy...2 Biology...1 Chemistry...0 Physics...2 Other science...0 All...2 Somewhat surprised that "chemistry" received zero votes. ...
Lord Rutherford And No Second Nobel Prize
Abstract: "I have dealt with many different transformations with various periods of time, but the quickest that I have met was my own transformation in one moment from a physicist to a chemist." Ernest Rutherford (Nobel Banquet, 1908) This article is...