"Science area of interest" poll

Favorite area of interest...
Other science...0
Somewhat surprised that "chemistry" received zero votes.
Philosophy Of Chemistry: Why Only Now?
Taught a class this semester on the philosophy of chemistry with a friend who is a physical chemist. (You can always tell the physical chemists, they're the one's with the bruises -- much tougher crowd than those chemists who don't get physical.)...
Darwin The Poll
Well it looks like Darwin won the poll here at POSP. 27 readers responded: 17 [62%] said they would celebrate the year of Darwin, 7 [25%] said no, and 3 [11%] weren't sure what they were going to do. More people have an interest in the Darwin event...
Astronomy 2009 Poll
I was somewhat surprised at the poll results in that 5 out of 12 voters indicated that they would not participate in any manner in the celebration of astronomy for 2009. I would like to discover why. Maybe interest in Darwin will fair better....
"academic Earth"--lectures Online
Billed as "Thousands of video lectures from the world's top scholars." The subjects cover astronomy, biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, engineering, English, entrepreneurship, history, law, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, physics,...
Chemistry Art
Creation 17, chemistry on copper 36" x 24" 2002 Cheryl Safren Well, I am sure that you have seen art from physics and astronomy, but how about chemistry. Check out the Virtual Art Exhibition jointly published with the Special Issue on "Aesthetics and...