

I'll be cross-posting for the next couple of weeks over at the inimitable Lawyers, Guns, and Money while Scott and Rob are away. Feel encouraged to check out the goings on over there. And if you are craving something smart, go see my fellow guest-blogger and excitable boy Daniel Nexon's The Duck of Minerva for some fantastic analysis of international relations.

- Is Ted Indicative Of A Healthier Public Discourse?
I was on a plane flying cross-country a couple weeks back and had a couple standard business suit types on the other side of the aisle with their shiny new iPads.  During the flight, they were both watching TED talks they had downloaded to pass the...

- Favorite Blog Names
Short post today because I am on the road. I'll be speaking this weekend at Unbroken Chain: The Grateful Dead in Music, Culture, and Memory -- it's being billed as the largest conference on the legacy of the Grateful Dead, and the first to be...

- Shooting An Ak-47 Underwater
Here in the US, we seem to be obsessed with guns, with our right to own them, and with the ridiculous fear that the government is going to try to take them away from us. Predictably, the people who are most vociferous on the issue are not exactly luminaries...

- Joe The Plumber On Why He Prefers The Bible To Science
I have no problem with Joe the Plumber as a person. Even though I disagree with virtually his entire ideology, I'm sure he's a decent fellow who means well. The problem is he's not smart enough to realize he's not very smart. So, when...

- John Oliver - The Forecloser
I heard about this story a few weeks ago, and it's really one of those feel-good stories that just have to be shared: after having recently bought a house, this Florida couple got a foreclosure notice from Bank of America, even though they had paid...

