Joe the Plumber on Why He Prefers the Bible to Science

Joe the Plumber on Why He Prefers the Bible to Science

I have no problem with Joe the Plumber as a person. Even though I disagree with virtually his entire ideology, I'm sure he's a decent fellow who means well. The problem is he's not smart enough to realize he's not very smart. So, when he decides to open up his mouth and pontificate on matters about which he knows virtually nothing (and about which he's most likely dead-wrong), I sort of feel bad for him because he doesn't realize he's making a fool of himself in front of the entire world, and he probably thinks that when people laugh, they're laughing with him and not at him...

I am angry, however, with the media that continues to treat his ignorant brain droppings, knowing they're worthless, as if they were worth anyone's time, and who continue to pollute the airwaves and the interwebs with the opinions of a man who could probably get schooled by a fifth-grader.

Of course, the irony of my dedicating this blog entry to him is not lost on me, but the purpose here is to showcase the fact that there is a great difference between being popular, for whatever reason (and especially for bad reasons), and having something worth saying or listening to. When he was asked about his thoughts on the Bible and science, for instance, this is the kind of stupefying answer he came up with:

I don't even know where to start dissecting the deepity just inflicted on all of us, but I feel like my IQ just dropped significantly, derp!

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