Are We Born or Made Talented?

Take a look at yourself for a moment. Are you nearly as successful as you once dreamed? I didn't think so. What happened? Unless you are an extraordinarily honest person, by now you are probably thinking of a million excuses to explain why your life hasn't turned out the way you once expected... and you're probably also blaming others for your life failures. Yes, it's everybody else's fault!
If none of that rationalization seems to work, you can always fall back on the 'I'm not talented' card, and chalk it up to your lack of luck... sort of :)
Check out the "My Brilliant Brain - Born Genius" documentary for more on the question of talent.
The Importance Of Recognition
I'm in full dissertation mode. It has been hard to post regularly or even think about non-dissertation-related topics. So, I've decided to write about what I've been thinking about in relation to the dissertation. In the past few months,...
Braggin' And Boastin', Boastin' And Braggin': The Ethics Of Tooting Your Own Horn
If you know Black Socrates personally, you know that I'm playfully arrogant. If you ask me what I've been working on lately (in philosophy), I'll likely respond, "Something great" or "A paper that will change the way everyone thinks about...
Kurt Vonnegut - Harrison Bergeron
"All men are not created equal. It is the purpose of the Government to make them so." That is the premise of this film adaptation of Kurt Vonnegut's brilliant short story: Harrison Bergeron (which you can read in less than five minutes here). The...
"genius/creativity" Poll
Is genius/creativity in an individual... Inherent...2 Environmental...0 Both...3 Humm, would the genius or creative person have better opportunities to cultivate same if the environment were more conducive than an environment of few opportunities or...
"Smartness/genius" inherited? Maybe. The Bach family was fortunate and musically talented. The Einstein's second son Eduard was not so fortunate. "Smartness/genius" are relative terms and in common parlance may not necessarily express one's ability...