Kurt Vonnegut - Harrison Bergeron

"All men are not created equal. It is the purpose of the Government to make them so." That is the premise of this film adaptation of Kurt Vonnegut's brilliant short story: Harrison Bergeron (which you can read in less than five minutes here).
The story tells the tale of a society intent not simply with achieving equality of opportunity or equal consideration before the law: the goal is to make all citizens equal in every possible respect. Because of our long history of bigotry and discrimination, we might be inclined to think that equality at all costs has got to be worth worth any price.
But of course (and this is why only Vonnegut could have written this story), since it's impossible to make the less intelligent and talented more intelligent and talented, the only way of achieving perfect equality is to reduce humanity to its lowest common denominator until we are all equally mediocre. Welcome to the future: it's a no brainer :)
Leave it to Kurt Vonnegut to vindicate my elitism :)
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Tom Lobianco
August 5th, 2011
The Associated Press
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