Appropriate Locations

Appropriate Locations

My Fellow Comedists,

This year's meeting of the International Society for Humor Studies is being held in Poland. (The first annual meeting was so small that it happened when three humor studies scholars walked into a bar...) The appropriateness of this spot leads to the question, what other conferences should be held where? Best answer receives a free year's subscription to The Philosophers' Playground.

Live, love, and laugh,

Irreverend Steve

- Rip Peter Bergman
My Fellow Comedists, This week, we lost another great comic mind.  Peter Bergman has gone up to comedy heaven to take his place next to the Cosmic Comic. Founding member of Firesign Theatre, Bergman was a master of late 60s intellectual surrealist...

- Happy Festivus
My Fellow Comedists, Yes, it is that time of year again.  Happy Festivus!  Please use the comments for the airing of the grievances.  Here is this year's feats of strength: Live, love, and laugh, Irreverend Steve ...

- Limericks
My Fellow Comedists, As I continue to work on my paper for the upcoming meeting of the Lighthearted Philosophers Society, the topic of limericks has come up. In working on an account for what makes limericks funny, I took out of the library G. Legman's...

- Manna From Comedy Heaven
My Fellow Comedists, You know, you hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, but sometimes the Cosmic Comic sends a set-up so easy you wish for a challenge. Crotch shots by Congressman Wiener. The only thing easier IS Congressman Wiener. It leads to the...

- Tricks And Treats
My Fellow Comedists, This weekend we celebrate Halloween, truly one of the funnier holidays with funny costumes and practical jokes woven inexorably into its fabric. I want to focus on the trick part of the trick or treat. One of our Playground regulars...

